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What do I need to know about tile grout and sealing it?

Grouting - Tile grout is a material that fills the gaps between tiles, providing a cohesive and uniform appearance to the tile installation.

Grout comes in different types, such as sanded and unsanded, and is available in a variety of colors to match the tiles.

Grout is porous, which means it can absorb water, dirt, and other substances, leading to discoloration and staining over time. Sealing grout is an important step to protect it from moisture and stains, and prolong its lifespan.

Sealing - Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to grout sealing:

Wait for the grout to cure: After installing tiles, wait at least 48 to 72 hours for the grout to cure completely before sealing it. This allows the grout to dry and harden, ensuring a better seal.

Choose the right sealer: Select a sealer that is appropriate for your grout type and tile application. Some sealers are specifically designed for sanded grout, while others are better suited for unsanded grout. There are also sealers that work well on natural stone tiles and those that are safe for use in wet areas like showers.

Apply the sealer correctly: Follow the manufacturer's instructions when applying the sealer. Most sealers are applied with a brush or roller and require several coats. Be sure to apply the sealer evenly and allow each coat to dry before applying the next one.

Reapply the sealer regularly: Over time, the sealer will wear off, and the grout will become susceptible to staining and discoloration. It is recommended to reapply the sealer once a year to maintain the protection of the grout.

Cleaning - Clean spills and stains immediately: Even with a sealer, grout can still become stained if spills and stains are not cleaned up promptly. Use a mild cleaning solution and a soft brush to clean the grout, avoiding abrasive cleaners and tools that can damage the seal.

Another method is to apply a solution of water and chlorine bleach (liquid or powdered). Let it stand for 20 minutes, then mop up the solution from the floor, rinse thoroughly and wipe it dry.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your grout is properly sealed and maintained, providing a clean and attractive appearance to your tiled surfaces.

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